Treen’s Gift Pack

Gift pack of bottles and optional glass. The ideal gift and easy to carry and wrap too!


Please state what you would like in your pack in the order notes box at checkout, or simply contact us directly. Choose 3 from the following:-

Bottle of Resolve, Bottle of Sunbeam, Bottle of Classic, Bottle of Hirra, Bottle of Smoulder, Pint glass.



1820 Porter DIY kit

For those who enjoyed our limited edition 1820 porter, this will make a fantastic gift. A blend of Smoky Cocoa, our collaborative brew with Woodman’s Wild Ales, and our own Resolve, this pack gives you the ingredients you need to replicate the beer at home.



Smoky Cocoa 750 ml bottle

A collaboration between ourselves and Stuart Woodman of Woodman’s Wild Ales.

Originally brewed by us, then matured for 10 months by Stuart in wooden bourbon barrels with wild yeast and cacao nibs. This beer is a change from our usual traditional style but one we enjoyed collaborating on.

A harmonious blend of smokiness, chocolate, bourbon whisky, sourness and funk welcomes the curious and adventurous drinker.



Case of mixed bottles

Contains 12 x 500ml bottles, a mixture of our bottled beers.


Please note, mixed cases will have an open slit at the top. Bottle selection will be at least 3 types, depending on what we have in stock.


For specific requirements, please contact us direct via e-mail:

Case of Hirra

Golden lager with delicate flavours of grain and a hint of grassy hop on the nose leading to a clean dry, refreshing finish.

Named in Cornish meaning “Longer” we draw on the Bohemian tradition of storing the beer for months at lower temperatures to make sure it is as thirst quenching as possible.

Case of Krowsek

12 x 500ml bottles of our Special Bitter, Krowsek


Krowsek: 5.2%


Full bodied, amber Special Bitter. Spicy hop and soft fruits on the nose over malt flavours of biscuit and caramel ending in a refreshing bitterness.


Krowsek, meaning irritable in Cornish, is a satisfying beer which will help wash away that teasy feeling.

Case of Sunbeam

Contains 12 x 500ml bottles of our pale ale Sunbeam.

SUNBEAM 4.8%: Golden Ale with a complex nose and well balanced body. A full citrus aroma with spicy and floral notes rides above a delicate malt base of grain and caramel. Named after the fleet of boats which race in the Carrick Roads, this is a beer that keeps you coming back for a taste of summer.

Case of Classic

Contains 12 x 500ml bottles of our best bitter, Classic.

CLASSIC 4.3%: Deep amber, malty bitter beer with an intensity of flavour which belies it’s modest strength. Caramel and soft fruit flavours are balanced by a hint of dark chocolate and a spicy hop bitterness. Our debut beer. This classic best bitter has quickly become a stalwart in our range.

Case of Resolve

Contains 12 x 500ml bottles of our premium dark ale, Resolve.

This beer was a double award-winner in 2018- bronze at Falmouth beer festival and People’s Choice beer at Salisbury Beerex.

RESOLVE 5.2%: Full, rich and very dark. This premium dark ale is brimming with flavour. Deep, roasted malt competes with dark chocolate and coffee culminating in a smooth, comforting finish. Strong, dark and warming. This steadfast and dangerously drinkable beer is comfort food in a glass.

Case of Hirra

12 x 500ml bottles of our premium lager, Hirra.


Hirra: 4.8%


Pale, golden lager with delicate flavours of grain and a hint of grassy hop on the nose leading to a clean, dry, refreshing finish.


Named in Cornish meaning ‘Longer’ we draw on the Bohemian tradition of storing the beer for months at lower temperatures to make sure it is as thirst quenching as possible.

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